
I call this “Robot farmer with calendar”

Bootcamp resources

This material is intended to require a significant time commitment to complete (most students report about 20 hours at minimum). The schedule below is intended to be a concise overview of the different resources for the Bootcamp. Some pages have associated slides and videos linked here.

For all of the lab pages it is intended that you type and run 100% of the code in examples and then explicitly answer the exercise questions, which are based on examples for given code on the pages. Thus, to answer the questions it is recommended to adapt code you have already run when completing the pages.

We also a have a friendly community Slack channel - go over and introduce yourself and say hi!


Module 1: R scripting

1 R and RStudio Setup ::: slides

2 R language ::: slides

3 Functions and packages

4 Data objects

5 Data frames

6 Data sub-setting and manipulation

Module 2: Statistics review

7 Question, explore, analyze

8 Sampling distributions

9 Correlation

10 Simple linear regression

11 T-test

12 1-way ANOVA

Module 3: reproducibility, collaboration

13 Reproducibility

14 Automate reports

15 Git and version control

Harper Adams Data Science

Harper Data Science

This website supports students and staff at Harper Adams University and the MSc in Data Science for Global Agriculture, Food, and Environment led by Ed Harris.